Thursday, July 5, 2007

Outline in Progress

Plessy v. Ferguson case and the progression within uniting together two cultures

I. The situation that came upon the case of Plessy v. Ferguson
A. 30-year-old colored shoemaker named Homer Plessy was jailed for sitting in the "White" car of the East Louisiana Railroad.
B.Plessy was only one-eighths black and seven-eighths white, but under Louisiana law, he was considered black and therefore required to sit in the "Colored" car.
C.Separate Car Act violated the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution.

II. The steps were involved in the development of the case Plessy v. Ferguson
A.The violation of the thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution
B. The violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution
C.The Argument of the Separate Car Act

III. The fight against segregation made us stronger to unite throughout the many years today?
A.Plessys case greatly helped Brown v. Board of education.
B.Helped segregation take into serious consideration



What was the situation that caused the case of Plessy v. Ferguson?
What steps were involved in the development of the case Plessy v. Ferguson?
How did this fight made us progress and unite multi racially throughout the many years today?